Student Accommodation Proposed for Derelict Gloucester Site

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Plans have been submitted to build a substantial student housing development in Gloucester.
Developer Cityheart is looking to build a 295-bed student accommodation scheme at Barbican Way car park.
The developers hope the designs will be granted approval in February 2017 so that construction can begin in time for the first intake of students in September 2018.
In an attempt to attract investment, Gloucestershire County Council and Gloucester City Council have recently submitted a local development order, making it easier for companies to propose developments. The council has been desperately trying to attract developers to regenerate the Blackfriars area, including parts by the waterfront, which is largely empty and dilapidated.
Stephen Martson, vice Chancellor of the University of Gloucestershire, praised Cityheart on the proposals saying: "This will be a fantastic place for students to live, right in the heart of our city.
It will transform this long-derelict site into an asset for our community, with more students adding to the vibrancy of the city centre, and its economy, culture and nightlife."
The student housing development will consist of a mix of townhouses, cluster flats and studio bedrooms across four blocks, with a walkway available to the public linking Barbican Way to Ladybellegate.