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Best practices for effective property maintenance management

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Maintenance is an extremely important element of successful property management. A well-maintained property not only ensures tenant satisfaction but also preserves the long-term value of your investment. In this blog, we'll explore essential best practices for organising and managing the maintenance of your properties.

Familiarise yourself with legal responsibilities 

As a property manager, you have legal responsibilities when it comes to organising maintenance. For instance, urgent maintenance tickets must be dealt with within 24 hours. Familiarising yourself with necessary response times helps you remain organised and compliant with industry standards. With Concurrent, you can assign priority levels to different maintenance tickets according to their level of urgency, so it is easier to organise jobs and manage contractors. 

Establish clear communication channels

Open and transparent communication is key in property management. You need to establish clear communication channels with both tenants and contractors so they understand the status of works. With Concurrent, you can now create contractor profiles within the platform so they can track job requests, quoted jobs, and upcoming jobs. You can also send tenants customised automated messages when they submit maintenance requests.

Carry out regular inspections

Scheduling semi-regular property inspections is a proactive way to identify and address maintenance issues before they become major problems. During inspections, pay attention to the overall condition of the property, check for any maintenance issues that haven't been reported by tenants, and ensure that safety features like smoke detectors are in working order. For instance, regularly changing the batteries of smoke detectors is a simple yet crucial task that can be easily overlooked.

Stay organised

When you're managing multiple properties, staying organised is essential. Make sure you have a system for keeping track of upcoming, ongoing, and completed projects. This not only helps you to maintain a clear overview of maintenance tasks but also allows you to identify recurring issues or patterns. Additionally, an organised system allows for easy retrieval of information, which is helpful for audits and reports. An effective PMS, such as Concurrent by StuRents, will make this easy by providing a maintenance dashboard with a clear overview of projects. You can archive closed maintenance tickets to remove them from the main maintenance dashboard and keep your views streamlined.

Reporting and documentation

Maintaining comprehensive records is essential for effective property management. Keep detailed records of maintenance activities, inspections, repairs, warranties, and any other relevant information. This documentation serves as a valuable resource for tracking the maintenance history of the property, identifying potential issues, and making informed decisions. In the long run, it can contribute to a more strategic and cost-effective approach to property maintenance. Concurrent now allows you to create dedicated maintenance reports in your Report Builder to document the status of tickets and track active and past jobs.

Streamline maintenance with Concurrent 

Adopting these best practices for property maintenance can significantly improve the efficiency of your property management operations. Using Concurrent's in-platform maintenance features will help you stay organised, effective, and compliant. 

Want to find out more? Book a demo today.


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