Student Accommodation in Hull

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Student Houses in Hull

We list thousands of properties in Hull and we have partnered with HullStars to provide property reviews, so if you're searching in Hull you can definitely make an informed choice with

University of Hull

The University has two main campuses, one is within the bustling city itself and the other is situated on the coastal gem of Scarborough. With 20,000 students, Hull offers first-class teaching with a strong research reputation and is consistently ranked in the top 20 mainstream English universities according to the National Student Survey. There has been significant investment made on campus in 2015 with £28m spent on a redevelopment of the library with future plans in 2016 for new luxury student accommodation.

Search Local in Hull

Several students live in the area of Cottingham, despite it being relatively far from Hull campus. Another main student living area is Newland avenue, which offers sought after student night life and several shops, bars, gyms and the all important Tescos and Sainsburys!